Your contribution will help those in need, and will be fully utilised in either the sector you’ve chosen to help, or to provide relief during natural and medical emergencies.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
– Winston Churchill

Donate Online

At Love Force Charity, we depend mainly on donations from generous individuals and organizations because we are a non-profit organization. We also rely heavily on people who volunteer their time and services to carry out our mission of putting a smile on people’s faces through our humanitarian services. Contribute your quota to help the less privileged.

Supporting us financially or as a volunteer will help transform our society. Our members can even support us further by purchasing our products.

Other Payment Methods

You may choose to contribute to our programs via following digital wallets (e.g. Maybank QRPay).


Donate Offline

We would love to see you contribute your donation using the account information below:

❤️Love Force House of Charity❤️Donation Account
Persatuan Kuasa Penyayang (Love Force)
5148 4234 3447

Please send an email to [email protected] for an acknowledgement of the receipt. Should you require any clarification, please feel free to contact us at +60176931999. Thank you.

We love volunteers. Volunteering will give you a great opportunity to do something that will put a smile on the faces of the poor and disabled in Malaysia.

Feel free to contact us for volunteering opportunity opportunities.